Kitchen renovation

There’s no doubt that your kitchen is the heart of the home and the role of the kitchen is certainly expanding. It’s a great place for family gatherings, quality time and entertainment but unfortunately many outdated kitchens in Northern Virginia and, Maryland and D.C simply don’t allow for this without a kitchen makeover.

At Mk Home Improvement, we can modernize your kitchen into a more functional space that you and your family will enjoy for years. Our design experts will create a space that is a new and improved seamless transition with the natural flow of your existing home. A few kitchen considerations:

  • Open Floor Plan: Removing walls, improving the overall flow of the space with adjoining rooms
  • More Storage Space: Getting creative and using more inset wall cabinetry to allow for more floor space, base cabinetry drawers instead of doors, and more!
  • Enhanced natural lighting through skylights, light tubes and direct access to the outdoors
  • Update appliances and materials, adding luxury features to compliment your lifestyle and cooking requirements